Retail For The Rest Of Us: A Podcast For Indie Retailers Who Want To Make Sales, Build Community and Grow Their Shops

Indie Retail Rituals: 3 Things to Add to Your Calendar Right Now

Feel Good Retail Season 6

Welcome back, retail besties! We’re kicking off season six by sharing three retail rituals you’ll want to add to your calendar ASAP.

Tune in to hear:

  • Why rituals are better than tasks
  • The three dates we want you to get on your GCal
  • How to prioritize data, strategy, AND self-care

Want exact agendas & extra motivation to complete the rituals? 🪐 Join The Here & Now 🧭

📱 @feelgoodretail

Welcome to Retail For the Rest of Us, a podcast for indie retailers,

makers and shop owners who wanna do business differently. I'm

your host, Janine Mulone, retail expert, small business cheerleader,

and the founder of Feel Good Retail. On this show, you'll hear

insights, strategies, and ideas on how to sustain and scale your

shop without sacrificing your sanity. Each week, you'll hear from

me and the occasional guest expert in what I hope feels more like a voice

note from your retail BFF than a business podcast.

Additional goodies and support can be found in our show notes and at

Now let's get into the show.

Hey, everyone. Welcome back to Retail for the Rest of Us. I'm your

host, Janine Mulone, and this is season six of the podcast.

I know. Can you believe it? I personally don't feel a day over season two

because I am just now speaking into a real microphone

instead of a pair of Apple wired headphones that I've had since, like,

2010. So if you notice a certain

flare, a little NPR soothing vibe to my voice,

that's why. It's because I feel like Frasier Crane sitting behind this

microphone staring at my huge screen in front of me with

notes. That being said, I usually ignore the notes as I'm sure you can tell.

It's a real off the cuff vibe here, but I

am excited to be back. And I hope that the last few months have offered

you an opportunity to rest, review, restore.

I wanted to bring the podcast back now because we are literally closing the

door, financially speaking, on last year. This is coming out

right around the good old tax day, so I'm sure you need a boost. I

certainly do. And I just think

it's really time to look forward and to look

to the next eight months of the year, what we wanna create, what we wanna

bring to life, what we wanna sell, what goals we're hoping to

achieve. As Feel Good Retail has evolved,

what I have become passionate about

is helping entrepreneurs feel like the back

of house, their systems, their operations, their strategy,

feels as aligned and exciting as the things

that happen front of house, on the sales floor, on their

favorite social media channels, in their community.

And that means that the first few months of the

year is often spent kind of recalibrating, reviewing,

and starting to project into the new year. So I'm feeling

excited to fully turn my face towards the sun and look at

the rest of 2024 together. That being

said, I know because I've heard from a few of you

that it feels like a really scary time to be an indie retail

owner. I know that being on Instagram, you've seen

many of your favorite shops closing, institutions, small

businesses that you thought were really innovative and exciting,

and businesses owned by your friends, and that

is really scary. As someone who has been through her

share of closures as well in her career and more

recently, I know how scary and

painful and hard those kind of transitions are.

And I hope that this podcast can

serve as both a respite and a

place where you can feel really good and feel really excited to hear about

people who are doing really amazing things and maybe take some

tips away for yourself, as well as a place that we can

be realistic about the reality of running a business.

This is why I'm so passionate about business operations,

about strategy, because closures,

although they happen for many, many, many reasons,

I think that we can often see things coming down the

pipeline a little bit more clearly when we understand

the back end of our businesses better. I don't want any

of you to be shocked by a

transition or an evolution or a downsizing or closing

in your business. I want you to be able to be as

comfortable as the CEO and strategist behind your business as

you are as the creative director or the visionary. Because the last

thing I want for you is for you to feel disempowered or out of control

in your business. And listen, that's not to say that shit doesn't

happen and things don't just hit the fan sometimes. Trust

me. Someday, I will buy you all a drink and tell you all about the

times that has happened to me. But regardless of the circumstance,

I do want you to feel like you're capable of making empowered and

strategic decisions. And the first thing that that requires

is being able to engage with the business itself.

That was a huge motivator for me creating the Here and Now, which is our

monthly membership that serves indie retailers looking to uncover

the secrets, skills, and cycles needed to build their sustainable

shop. Inside, you get access to our

resource library, seasonal strategic workshops, monthly

almanacs, and some extra surprises that will help you

shift the focus away from just the linear growth hamster wheel

and lean more into the slow, steady, and seasonal approach

to retail to make sure you have all of your bases covered and that you

feel really confident as a strategic superstar.

I want indie retailers to feel

as comfortable with analytics, with strategy, with operations

as they do with creativity, visioning new

products, working with customers. Frankly, I think there's

plenty of marketing advice out there, but not enough

content around helping business owners identify what

strategies will work best to achieve their unique goals.

And what that leads to is overwhelm, burnout,

exhaustion, confusion, disempowerment, and,

frankly, it leads to a lot of businesses looking exactly the

same. And that's not why I love indie retail. I

love indie retail because of the variety, the diversity, the,

like, wacky unique concepts that people bring to life that really

just work and that make us feel more

connected to them. Because if every indie retailer keeps looking

the same, it's gonna feel just like shopping at big box stores.

So the Here and Now is our seasonal membership you

can join. You can learn more at It's

$28 a month, and you can learn more, of course, on the website.

I really wanted to create something accessible. We've been having so much fun in there

so far in Q1, and there's lots to dive into if you join

today. That being said, I did wanna share

something that comes from the resource library that I've built inside of the Here and

Now, because I think it will ground us into this new season

and give you a step forward if you're feeling like, "you're right. I

do need to be more strategic. I do need to prioritize spending

time in the back end of the business. I do need to make time

to serve my role as CEO of this business." And

listen. I know CEO is, like, such a blah term. Especially

when you're a solo business owner. It's like, "okay, let me just change

my hat here and, like, put on a tie." But it's

really critical to be both an operator inside of

your business and a strategic leader. Those are two different tasks,

making the plan and executing the plan. So with

that in mind, I wanted to share an excerpt from a resource inside of

the Here and Now called Retail Rituals aka 3 things to add to

your calendar right now no matter the season. Because seasons come and

go, but some things never change. Like Jeff Bezos acting

and looking, frankly, like a cartoon villain. By incorporating

these three recurring rituals into your calendar, we've got you

covered for the month. You'll review the past, plan for the

future, and take time to make sure that you are well resourced enough to

keep moving forward in life and business. What totals

to a few hours of work a month is gonna give you a 360 view

of your shop and will work wonders in soothing your nerves. But why

rituals and not just tasks or meetings? Well, because first of

all, tasks and meetings sound boring as hell. Nobody wants more meetings,

and I certainly don't need to add another thing to my to do list. When

you have a meeting set with yourself or a priority just for

you, how often does it get pushed back to the bottom of your to

do list? My guess, pretty frequently. Rituals, however,

become deeper, better, more vibrant, and

more powerful through repetition. They also have

a clear agenda and a desired outcome. So what

are the 3 dates we're adding to your Gcal right now? A

data date, a strategy session, and your

shopkeeper self care. First is your date with your data.

All you need is 30 to 60 minutes at least one

time a month, and your goals are to check-in on the health of

your shop, build familiarity with your analytics, and pivot your plan

where necessary. What you'll need is a simple data doc - you

can find our template inside of the Here and Now - your sales software, and

your past data and/or benchmarks. Getting comfortable with

the quantitative side of your business is critical as an entrepreneur. Retail is

after all a numbers game. Sales, sell through,

inventory markup, conversion, retention, it's a lot of

math. And I know that can be scary for many of you, so I like

to keep it simple and make it consistent with data dates.

First, set the mood. Get in your softest clothes, light a

candle, get a fun bev. The more intimidating

this is to you, the cozier and more comfortable you should be. Close all of

your tabs and put your phone on do not disturb. Pull up your

sales software and record your stats. Inside the Here and Now, you'll find

a list of KPIs that you could track, including my non-negotiables,

and you can use previous sessions and your past averages as a

benchmark for success. Ritual number two is

a strategy session. You'll need about 60 to 90 minutes, and I

recommend doing this at least once a quarter, but ideally once a

month. Your goals are to make a plan to support your sales goals,

review what's working well and what needs improvement, and craft a strategy.

What you'll need is your sales goal, your datasheet,

and a notebook or a blank doc. Becoming more strategic

is a superpower. It will save you time, money, and lots of

headaches. So much effort is wasted by making decisions as they

come. Crafting a strategy can help focus your attention. Think of

like a magnifying glass in the sun. By creating a plan, you

give yourself permission to experiment, test what works, and make progress

and improvements over time. Plus, when you centralize your decision

making, you free up a hell of a lot of space in your brain.

Inside the Here and Now, you'll find an exact agenda,

opening, first half, second half, and closing for how to run

your own successful strategy session.

And last but very much not least is your shopkeeper

self-care. Yes. I literally want you to schedule

this and make it nonnegotiable for yourself at least

once a month with the goal being to give you an opportunity

for rest, create space between you and the business, and

support you doing your best work. All you'll need is

yourself and time away from the shop, because small business ownership

can feel like a never ending grind. Sure. We love it. But

damn, it can be hard to figure out where your business ends and where you

begin. You deserve a break. And if you need the extra

motivation, know that the better you take care of yourself, the better running your

shop will feel. And don't worry. Your to-do list will be right where you left

it when you're done. I personally suggest making

a menu of things to help you unwind that fall

into 15 minute practices, 30 minute practices, or

an hour plus practices so that you can fit in this kind of self care

whenever you need a break and also schedule bigger moments of

rest and rejuvenation into your business.So

what's that? A couple hours a month to feel totally on top of your

shit at work? Sounds good to me. And if you want

even more instruction, including our templates, our

KPIs, the agenda for a strategy session, all of that

lives inside of the Here and Now, and we would love to have you join

us. Until next time, thank you for being

here. Thank you for being in business. Cheers to season

six, and cheers to feeling good.

Thanks for listening to Retail for the Rest of Us. Find additional

information and resources related to this episode in the show notes or on our

website, This show was lovingly produced and

edited by Softer Sounds, a feminist podcast studio. If you

enjoyed this episode, please take a minute to text it to your business bestie,

share it on social media, and leave us a reading or review. It really

helps the show grow organically, and we love making new friends. Thank

you for being here. Thank you for being in business, and cheers to feeling
