Retail For The Rest Of Us: A Podcast For Indie Retailers Who Want To Make Sales, Build Community and Grow Their Shops

A Meditation For Reconnecting With Your Business’ Purpose

Feel Good Retail Season 4 Episode 11

Hey retail besties 👋  To kick off the New Year, I’m sharing one of my favorite intuitive practices for indie retailers — the Feel Good Retail soul statement meditation.

I use this meditation to help business owners come back to the motivation they had when they started their business, so they can make empowered, visionary decisions for the future

So get cozy, grab your journal, and let’s drop in.

📱 @feelgoodretail

 ✨ Thanks for listening to the Retail for the Rest of Us archive! There's tons of great advice in this episode, but you may hear about resources that no longer exist or find broken links in our show notes. Please head to for our up-to-date offerings!  

Welcome to retail for the rest of us a podcast for Indie retailers and makers and Shop owners who want to do business differently,
I'm your host Janine Mulone retail expert small business cheerleader in the founder of feel-good retail.
On this show you'll hear insights strategies and ideas on how to sustain and scale your shop without sacrificing your sanity,
each week you'll hear from me and the occasional guest expert in what I hope feels more like a voice note from your retail BFF than a business podcast.
Additional goodies and support can be found in our show notes and it feel good now let's get into the show.


 Hey everyone welcome back to retail for the rest of us I'm your host Janine Mulone and today I want to talk about reconnecting to purpose.
Well I don't actually want to talk about it I want to share something that will hopefully help you reconnect with your purpose,
this is the first podcast episode of 2023 and I wanted to just give you something.

To help you ground into this new year and so I'm sharing what we call a feel-good retail the sole statement meditation.

It is a meditation I have used even before feel good retail to help business owners,
really come back to the motivation inspiration and vision they had when they started their business so that they are able to make decisions from that place as opposed to
the place where maybe we're all at where we're feeling overwhelmed or cloudy or burnt out this is something I really really,
value and enjoy and I hope you do as well.
I highly recommend having a notebook or a piece of paper and a pen or pencil close by after the meditation is through it's a great time to go into some
stream of Consciousness journaling if you've ever done something like morning Pages kind of that style to reflect on the things that came through during your meditation,
our brains are not storage units so as powerful as some of the things that may be illuminated during this meditation can be
it's really important to capture those insights so that you can revisit them later,
don't depend on that brain to do so much anyways here is the sole statement meditation I hope you enjoy it.
Cheers to feeling good.

This is the guided Soul statement meditation created by and for feel good retail I'm so happy to have this space with you and guide you through a short meditation in order to tap into your highest intentions for your business,
we'll be focusing on the inspiration of why you started and connect more deeply with your intentions attempting to quiet your ego and the process.
To get started I'd love for you to have a seat in a comfortable upright position I prefer Seated on a chair with your back straight feet planted solidly on the floor but if you're more comfortable another way that works as well.
I want to invite you to gently close your eyes don't squeeze them tight just close them maintaining a soft focus on the physical body.
Take a second to check in with yourself are you holding tension anywhere today are there any blocks or tightness that you're aware of.
Let's take a moment to acknowledge and send some tenderness to that part of you.

We're going to start by taking three clearing breaths,
this is a way for us to shake off what's happened in the day or so far in the week and really settle into this moment giving yourself permission to be present Where You Are.
So let's take three count breath through in through your nose hold for three.
And exhale for three exhale is if you're trying to fog up a mirror in front of you this will be a bit more vocal than a typical exhale.
In 43 hold for three exhale 43.
One more in.

Hold exhale at this moment,
you should feel your body start to relax those breaths are beautifully simple practice to pull us back to where we are especially in moments if you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed it's a great practice to lean on.
Now that we're focused I want to invite you to recall the moment that you decided to start your business,
maybe you had been making a product or offering a service and we're about to take the leap maybe it's the moment you quit your full-time job.
Maybe it's when you launched a website or when you had your first sale whatever that moment is for you that felt like the birth of your business I want you to revisit it,
recall that memory.
Think about how you felt emotionally the hope the passion the fear the excitement.
Recall how you dreamt that your business would evolve.
How did you see your products in your shop affecting your life affecting the lives of your customers.
What role did you hope to play in your community.

Stay here for a moment and notice what arises.
Do you feel a particular emotion see a color or a memory may be a place.
Are there any words or sounds that wander in soak in with this memory really begins to bring up for you.

Now let's draw your attention to your heart space you may even want to put your hand over your heart let's Breathe Here For a Moment.

As your business has evolved.
What are the stories are the experiences that stand out the most to you and fill your heart what are the experiences that have made you feel successful,
or seen or like you are living your purpose.
Think back to all the customer feedback the press the collaborations the sales records.
What stands out to you or what do you imagine it could be.

What markers are words are outcomes would be most gratifying to you on a soul level.
Not for your ego not because it just looks good on paper.
But that would make you feel or has made you feel like you are here you have arrived you have done it.

I want you to really focus as these memories and emotions are coming to you and where you're feeling them in your body.
Do you feel warmth tingling.
Become hyper aware of where this energy of success and Alignment exist in your physical body.
There's no need to judge we're simply starting to build that awareness to revisit it in moments of doubt.

Lastly think about where you feel a bit of friction in your business as it stands.
Are there areas where you feel exhausted questions you can't seem to find the answers to.
Are there places where you generally feel blocked or out of integrity.
Think of those situations and again I'll invite you to connect with your physical body to get a sense of where and how that energy is showing up.

In our final moment here I want to invite you to take one cleansing breath and focus on sending love to your business,
separate from yourself Envision the way that it connects to the collective.
Send that love to all the ways that your business is contributing.
To make the world a better place for you for your family for your community for your employees for your customers.

This is a gratitude breath for your business and all that it signifies.
Feel that warm fuzzy feeling to know that your business has the power to make a difference.
Sit up tall and proud and with one large cleansing breath just like before I invite you to open your eyes.
Thanks for listening to retail for the rest of us find additional information and resources related to this episode in the show notes are on our website feel good,
this show was lovingly produced and edited by softer sounds a feminist podcast Studio,
if you enjoyed this episode please take a minute to text it to your business bestie share it on social media and leave us a rating or review,
it really helps the showgirl organically and we love making new friends thank you for being here thank you for being in business and cheers to.
